a longdurational&interactive&Activist&Utopia&Sound&Mover&Performance&Installation
Within this activist Performance I deal with my roles as being a German Post 2nd World War Citizen and an (alien white male ???) Performer in South Africa. The interactive 36 hour Performance is about getting (back) in touch with the basic elements of life - with earth, wind, air, water, fire. Therefore AVA will electronically be switched off.
In „Guilt I?“ an analogue utopia space is being created upon the core of AVAs architectonical & artistic structure. This is rooted in the belief that only utopist sceneries can elevate the global society. Core elements of life are taken to create something genuine yet deeply rooted - something that has not been already occupied by hierarchy, economy or categorising.
Participants were welcome to be part for several times during the one and half day duration.
Contributers: All Particpants, Mirjam Asmal, Zweli Ntuli, Stefan Naudé, Volker Kühl, Zanele Tshabalala, Marlon Piedt, AVA Members